Monday, November 05, 2007

Kids What's the Matter With Kids Today

I know this isn't going to go over well for some, but sorry to hurt a few feelings. Enough is enough, our children are falling through the cracks. And it's just getting worse with every generation. Parents need to take back their control and start acting like adults and stop being cowards. There is no room for coward ism, when it comes to parenting. Stand up for what you believe. Set your standards, and don't let anyone make you think you have to lower them.

So, let me say as nice as I possibly can.................................................Sorry.....................................

Parents, that's what's the matter! As a mother of five and grandmother, working hard every day to make sure my kids grow up to be the best they can! Well, that has been the hardest job I have every encountered from flipping burgers, cleaning houses, and assisting my husband for 27 years in his business, raising children by far takes the most effort and hard work of all. Of course, this is my opinion, and I am sure, many Mom's and Dad's out there, that are doing their job, can agree to most of my statements. In order to raise productive loving kind, respectful, considerate children, you have to put some effort and hard work into it.

The way I see it, children for one don't come with a handbook, and a lot of what we do is trial and error. And only the final outcome will tell the results. So, it's our job to make the best effort possible we can. And gosh today with more mother's working and children in day care, there just is a lack of good parenting. Parents for the most part don't want to parent, it's too hard, you get to much resistance, and it's much easier to just give in. And I'm afraid that won't cut it, your family is not some movie you can rewind and fix all the wrongs. Your human, your going to make mistakes, but not trying to make your best effort , that's a mistake you can't take back.

We as parents have to set an example and be good role models for our kids. We are the main ingredient to their success! We have to always keep in mind that we are not here to be our children's best friend. And it's okay if they don't like us all the time, it just means we are doing our job. There will be plenty of time for friendship later. Our children are a gift from God, and it's our duty to raise them up right! There are many scriptures on discipline, and God knew what he was doing from the begining. It was man that decided to mess things up. For example: Poor leadership causes laxity, Exodus 32:25; He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly, Proverbs 29:15, Correct your son, and he will give you rest; Yes, he will give delight to your soul, Proverbs 29:17

Now don't get me wrong this isn't as easy as it sounds, infact it can be quite the challange at times. I am having a challange as we speak, however I am learning over the many years of raising children that we are never too old to learn! And if we stay true and have faith, I do believe it will all turn out fine. Thank you for reading, and letting me share with you. Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts with me and others!

God Bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was true. i can only comment on my own family. i believe if you are hard on them from the start. it will stay with them. my two daughters are my life. sure going out even with my husband would be nice, but going out as a family is so much better. we pretty much do everything as a family. from shopping to seeing grandma at the nursing home. they need to be exposed to it all. i've had to spank them for time to time. they know why and know i still love them. they understand all about choices in life. those choices that they make will always have some sort of effect, weither good or bad. but its their choices that they will live with later in life. you have to start while their young, they are not a movie you can rewind. if you start early they will have a great chance of being a responable adult later in life. great story it