Saturday, January 26, 2013

Woke up this Morning :-)

"D" News from d home front ~~~

Woke up this morning, so this is another day to be thankful for, already a busy day and its going to continue to be busy, have lots to do, but just want to pop on and let you know I'm always thinking of you all!!! ~~~

And no matter how busy we all get, let's try to remember someone somewhere, doesn't matter how small the jester you make, just make one? It's the effort you make, even a smile :-) to that unsuspected stranger, or holding the door open for someone can make all the difference, we really have no idea the impact we are making in someones life. Any act of kindness is a blessing, be the one to turn someone's frown upside down :) They may have just lost a loved one or had an argument, or are just alone, we just don't know, so just do it! It can't hurt ~~~

Now, you don't have to stick around and read them an Epic tale (((((who said that))))) Not "D" she would never do that....hehehe giggle giggle, I'm getting better at it........I'm not perfect and I can't promise anything, and if you run into me, say perhaps at Starbucks....good chance at that one, I will try to be short and to the point......LMBO Yeah right!!!!! I'm still working on that one!! Work in progress I always say, a dear friend tried and is still trying to teach me that (short and to the point) I'm getting better I think
 :-/ "wink"

 Anywho, if you can make it short and to the point, go for it, even the lonely stranger may enjoy a brief word or two, so make D effort. Pay it forward, God blesses those that bless others....Live Laugh Love and Love some more!!!!!!!!! Love Unconditionally as God Loves Us! We aren't perfect and we are never going to be perfect, just be true to you always! ~~~

Here's D thought ~~~

Don't Just Dream Your Life Start Living Your Dream!! Anyway you want, it's simple make a plan, execute the plan one day one step at a time, even if it takes you to 100, at least you'll have a mission! A goal, Living 2/100 still D plan, Loving Sunshine always!!! Always have always will!! I Love You!!!!!!!!!! Gotta scoot!! Hugs "D" Butterfly Kisses
"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" Philippians 4:13
Copyright 1/26/13 Donna L. Maholage AKA/"D" Chatterbox



 I would like to address something that is very dear to my heart, and the heart of my good friend Mary E Graziano. ~~~

Please take the time to read her POEM. Mary is a great Poet, song writer and Advocate, I personally, and as Editor in Chief of "D" News support her CAUSE and all of her hard efforts 100%....... As there is no EXCUSE FOR CHILD ABUSE ~~~

The CRIMES against Children must be stopped!!!! ~~~





I Love You!!!!!!!!! Hugs "D" Butterfly kisses "wink"

Copyright 1/26/13 Donna L. Maholage aka/"D" Chatterbox

Introducing: MARY'S POEM:    ((((((((HOW CAN YOU))))))))


Beaten black and blue, was the only abuse he knew,
His cries unanswered, no-one cared enough
How can you ignore, is there not something you can do!!!

A heart so broken, love was never felt
Only words that hurt, how her ears did sting,
Her eyes over-flowing with so many tears
Wishing an angel would sweep her away on her wings.

How can you ignore, turn and shut the door
How can you ignore, and pretend it’s not there,
How can you ignore, can’t you envision the hurt
How can you ignore, do you really not care!!!

So many screams can be heard, so sad!!!
So many intense feelings they have nowhere to run,
Afraid to be hurt, they retreat in fear
Emotional, Physical, the damage is done!!!

How can you ignore, if you see abuse happen to a child
How can you ignore, bruises so unexplained,
How can you ignore the look in their eyes
How can you ignore, their bodies so drained.

We can’t ignore the sadness they show
We can’t ignore the reports that we hear,
We can’t ignore, we can’t shut that door
Speak out!!! Reach out!!! Wipe away a tear.


Written by Mary Graziano©
January 25, 2013
visit Mary's blog @

Friday, January 25, 2013

"D" News....Thinking about Growing up..... :-/

"D" News from d home front.......

Good morning everyone another beautiful day to be thankful for!!!! I hope you all have a Fabulous Friday!!!!!! ~~~

I myself am having some of d best days ever, I will say this, these past few years, nothing seems to amaze me anymore.........Growing up has been quite the Adventure and one I am very thankful and grateful I have learned much!!! ~~~

I can say this now on the subject of; Thinking about Growing up?
 :-/ A topic I have had lots of education on.....hehehe, giggle giggle, work in progress ~~~

There is nothing wrong with how and when you grow long as you eventually grown up, Yes, it would be wonderful if it all happened in the course of your lifetime....Keep in mind, some of us have had our childhoods robbed, we have been cheated out of a life, so every situation is different! I myself am making up for a lot, but, hey I'm living to 100, so I'm in no hurry, plus I'm not ever going to give up the inner child in me......are you SERIOUS?? Give D a break.....this is what keeps you YOUNG AT HEART  ~~~

As it has been said, we all have an inner child inside US, we all have one, it's in there...why keep the child hidden away, it only keeps your youth trapped inside you, (go ahead give it a try) "wink"  of course this is only D's opinion, and maybe that's why I'm such a goof, cause I really don't care what anyone thinks, if I want to run and skip, then I do, if I want to play with my grand kids or w/out lol I do, It's just's "D"
 :-/ ~~~

But as a dear friend said this morning, and I quote him ~~~

"Its Principles before Personalities! ~~~ Thank you Robert

 Think about that ~~~ Principles before Personalities? WOW!!!!!! That's a great one.....Can we get so preoccupied with worrying about our own personality that we let our principles slip away from US??

Ask yourself that~~~~

I have been told, you look stupid, you act silly, you are a goof, and then I have been told, you are so kind and precious, your a doll, we love you!!!! So, whom shall I listen too? Do I care how I look? Do I care if I look silly? I'm not the most glamorous woman by far, I know that, I'm not D smartest for sure......(but in my d fense) I do clean up pretty darn good....LMBO....anywho, but I will say this, I now know my worth and I now love me for me....and I don't have to prove anything to anyone!!!!! I love God and he loves me....and I really don't care what other people think?

So with that said, if you want to live A Happy Healthy and Long Life.....then you have to start taking STEPS TO LIVE IN THE WORLD NOT OF THE WORLD....AND THEN, YOUR WORLD WILL CHANGE!!!!!!!!! You will see things in a different light, you won't care what others think, it really won't matter, and then you will see your worth!!!!!!! You are what MATTERS!!!!!!! You are Possible and with that nothing is impossible!!!!!!!!! Trust God not man...for man will let you down every time!!!!  Live Laugh Love Living 2/100 Loving Sunshine always!!!!!!!!!!!! You know I love ya, that's why I bug ya!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs "D" Butterfly Kisses  I Love You!!!!!!! Babysitting my 3 year old grandson, so gotta "wink"

P.S. I am not where I want to be YET ~~~ But I am NOT where I was ~~~ And for now, that is working for "D" ~~~

"I Can Do All Things Through Christ That Strengthens Me" Philippians 4:13
Copyright 1/25/13 Donna L. Maholage aka/"D" Chatterbox

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fight the good fight....Good Night!

Good Night my family & friends "D" Bubbly Girl is all tucked in & finally ready for bed!!! Be blessed be happy be true to you & never give up!! ~~~

Fight the good fight....your dreams are anything you want, it really doesn't matter as long as what your doing makes you happy, then that's all that counts!!! ~~~

Make your life worth while, we all can make a difference everyday, every way!!! Stay your course till you reach your final destination

One day one step at a time is all you can do, stay focused and do not be so easily distracted, for many will try to derail you and get you off track ~~~

You can ~ you can ~ you can ~ you will ~ you will ~ you will~

Eyes on D Prize ~~~ I LOVE YOU ~~~

Live Laugh Love & Love some more!!!! I love you!!!! Living to 100 Loving Sunshine always!!!! Always have always will!!!!!! Hugs "D" Butterfly Kisses

"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" Philippians 4:13
Copyright 1/24/13 Donna L. Maholage

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Is Someone taking up too much Space in D head?

‎"D" News from d home front.......It's time to say Good night and hit d hay, another busy day tomorrow!!! But here's d thought for the eve....

~Remember those who want to be in your life, will make an effort, those that don't won't.....We all get busy but it only takes a moment to acknowledge someone, to make the effort~

One doesn't always have to make the first move? Think about that.....maybe it's time to stop doing all D work!!! Let them GO!!!! With technology today at it's greatest levels, smart phones, face time, text, skype, tango, FB message, need I say more?

~You can love them, want them, need them, care for them, but stop stressing over them, they don't deserve your time, they don't deserve to take up space in your head, causing you undo STRESS, and STRESS causes you to be unhealthy~

Give that space to someone or something much more worthy!!!!! You and your body will thank you for me on this....You are so worth it!!!

You know I love Ya, that's why I bug ya!!!!!!!!! Live Laugh Love, Living to 100 Loving Sunshine Always!!!! I Love You!!!!!!!! ♥ Always have always will!!!!!!!!! P.S. Now go start Living your DREAM!!!!!!! One day one step at a time ~ We got this ~ Love and Hugs "D" Butterfly Kisses ♥ ♥
"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" Philippians 4:13
Copyright 1/22/13 Donna L. Maholage

Shooting at Lone Star College Houston, Tx North Campus

"D" News Special Alert: Sadly Another tragedy involving a shooting! Lone Star College at Houton Tx North Campus at appx 12:52 Pm CT. Reports are confirming and saying; there has been a dispute between students, one maybe two people produced a gun! Note, this is a NO gun policy College, the college is now under lock down at this time, and evacuating....also a couple of students got caught in the cross fire, there are reports that say a person was seen getting away into the woods! There are patients in the hospital with multiple gun shot wounds, and possibly injuries can be very serious, unconfirmed at this time......They are not sure if one of the patients is the shooter, It is at this time considered an active shooting, it is also unclear if more than one shooter is involved....More details are coming in.....

I would like to add, there is a very fine line between living in the world and becoming of the world! As these economic time get harder and times are changing, We as individuals need to start examining what is truly important in our lives! My heart goes out to all the people involved, and may God be with all the victims and their families in their time of need. God Bless  Donna L. Maholage aka/"D"

Monday, January 21, 2013

"D" Cake Pop Adventure Live at D's House.....

"D" Cake pop Adventure......Live at "D" house, it's not as easy as it looks!! LOL, but they tasted better then they looked, hmmm I believe the video/pic of the finished cake pop is coming soon! Anywho, d grand kids loved them.....have a great night, be happy be blessed be true to you, and Never Give Up Your Dreams!!!! I'm going to watch the new season of The Following w/Kevin 
Bacon....You know I love Ya that's why I bug Ya!!!!!! Live Laugh Love Living to 100 Loving Sunshine Always!!!! I Love You!!!! Always Have always will!!!!! Hugs "D" Butterfly Kisses ♥ ♥ Night nite...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

"D" News from d home front...Do Kids Sleep anymore........LOL

"D" News from d home front.......Question of D evening?
 Do Kids sleep anymore?????????

Grand-kids still ((((((playing)))))) Nana thinking ((((((sleep)))))))) What's wrong with this picture? LOL, Any-who, one would think they would be sleeping in tomorrow, but heck no........they'll all be up at 7 am..........playing again and wanting breakfast, me I'll be wanting sleep, but instead I'll be headed straight for D start d day, so w/that said I will have to wrap this up....hehehe, you are all so lucky when those kids are here, as lil d would say, hurry it up Nan....oh on the way to Starbucks today, She got me....for saying a bad word.....I slipped with the OH S....., and she said Nana I'm going to put that on D C'mon.......really? Really? I said to her.....I'm sorry, it was an accident, some one almost ran us off D road, she said, "yes, I am making a note of that" I was like, Why? She says so me...."cause...we need to tell all your friends...on d news".....Containing myself,  (tears rolling down my cheek) right about that second....I just wanted to reach back and give her a BIG FAT BUTTERFLY KISS  Even though I had just realized what d little monster I was creating, ;) she is so much like me it's scary........."wink"

Well, Good night everyone, sleep in peace and be blessed be happy be true to you, and never give up!!!!!! Dream your Dreams, your dreams belong to you!!!!! DREAM BIG AND DREAM OUT LOUD!!!!! PRESS ON STAY YOUR COURSE!!!! EYES ON D PRIZE!!!!!!!!! LIVE LAUGH LOVE, LIVING TO 100 LOVING SUNSHINE ALWAYS!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILL!!!!!! HUGS "D" BUTTERFLY KISSES!!!!!!!!!
"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" Philippians 4:13
Copyright 1/19/13 Donna L. Maholage Aka/"D" Chatterbox