Friday, January 04, 2013

"D" News d news......

"D" News d news.....My News and Your News Coming Together from Across America!!!!! United We Stand Divided We Fall!!!!!! Ya know I Bug Ya, Cause I Love Ya!!!!!!!!!! "Wink" Have a Wonderful Weekend and Stay safe and be aware of your surrounding at all times!!!! Someone Somewhere is watching you!!!! Be happy Be blessed Be True to you!!!!! Keep telling yourself I can....I can...I can....and you will....Dream Big!!!!!!!! Anything is Possible!!!! Your Possible, nothing is Impossible, Believe have faith, work hard & put God first!!!! Live Laugh Love....Living 2/100 Loving Sunshine always!!!! I love You!!!!! Always have always will!!!!!! Hugs "D" I'm outta here!!!! Butterfly Kisses ;)
Copyright: Donna L. Maholage 1/4/13

"D" News from d home front....TGIF

"D" News from d home front......Good morning Everyone....Yep, TGIF for all you M-F, I know you are looking forward to D weekend, I know I am, I'm taking a break this weekend, (maybe) having D grand-kids over, who am I kidding "wink" anytime I have those grand-kids it's no break, but it sure is lots of loving and lots of fun...oh and did I mention (she says's with D Big huge SMILE) LOT'S of trips to YEP....STARBUCK'S LOL So, I'll be seeing all my favorite Girls & Guys...I love so much..@ d local Starbucks...they know who they are..."wink" Anywho, gotta get back to business, d day is getting away from me....So w/out further ado, Be happy be blessed be true to you, and Never give up your Dreams....Your dreams belong to you!!!! Anything is Possible when you Work hard have faith and trust God, doesn't mean you may encounter some crossroads, trust me, you will, just means if you want it BAD ENOUGH, No matter how long....No matter what it takes...No matter what ANY BODY tells YOU!!!! You will have to choose? You can either Press on and STAY YOUR COURSE!!!! Or you can quit and come to D End of your Voyage!!! Don't let outside Voices interfere with your thought process, pay close attention to what you hear!!!! Make sure it's in YOUR Best interest!!!! Not everything people tell you is? Think & discern it may be false and may set you off COURSE!!!!  Not THEIR course.....YOUR Course....this is YOUR journey to Sail....So, YOU SAIL your SHIP any direction you want to go.....Always get good advice, and always seek professional help if you need it, and NEVER LET, EVEN FAMILY OR LOVED ONES TRY TO STEER YOU WRONG!!!! THINK IT THROUGH!!!! I'm just saying, I'm no expert, but through my own journey's I'm learning and GROWING.and God knows your heart....they don't!!!! We can fool many but one person we can never fool is GOD!!!!! Enough Said!!!! So, Keep on Sailing...and if you get off D course...just adjust your compass or GPS, whatever works for ya, and get sailing again!!!!!! We all know, I'm geographically challenged....So don't get behind me....LOL Any-who....Live Laugh Love, Living 2/100 Loving Sunshine Always.....You know I love ya, that's why I Bug Ya!!!!! I love You!!!!! Always Have always will!!!!!!!!!! Hugs "D" Butterfly Kisses
Copyright 1/4/13 Donna L. Maholage

Thursday, January 03, 2013

"D" News from d home front...Day 2 complete...

"D" News from d home front...hope everyone had a great day! It's day 2 of d New Year...So what new resolutions have you made and stuck to? Yes you? LOL You know...D list you make of all the things you plan to do for 2013, all eager promising...Let's just say least try and stick to ONE...Yes ONE!!!! If you accomplish one, then move on to # 2, cause the chance of you getting off 1 will be slim to none, if you know what i mean? And if you keep looking @ that LIST...LOL...anywho, my BIG to NOT TO RAMBLE..."who said that" ? She looks over D shoulder...giggle that will ever happen...NOT!!! LOL "Wink" OK...moving right along to # 2 on my list...I can't tell you that one...YEP...cause "if I tell ya...blah blah..blah...I have to kill ya"....LOL I believe my son in law Gary started that one many years ago....(ty gary) hehehe...."wink"

Any-who my day was busy but good...I managed to find time and surprise my Grandson Corbin (13) at his bus stop...and take him to YEP....You guessed it....STARBUCKS :) Sorry Ocala...we sold you out...and went South today....I'm trying to give my grandson a part-time job in "D" news, to head up/Gamer's Corner, for all the X-boxers and Gamer's out know for, like tip, and cheat thingies they do....I'm clueless when it comes to games....but Corbin is GOOD, and it's a great way for him to earn some extra cash $ while doing something he loves!!! But he actually want's D money first...LOL...I'm like Sorry been there done that, w/kids...I'm Like what's wrong w/this picture...What's D matter w/kids today??? Oh see, I broke my resolution....rambling LOL....OK...OK... i'm outta here...I'm tired NO not from rambling...jk....Good Night everyone and remember to treat others as you want to be treated, Be happy be blessed be true to you....and Never give up your DREAMS!!!! Fight for what you BELIEVE!!!! Anything is POSSIBLE NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!!! STAY YOUR COURSE!!!!! EYES ON D PRIZE!!!!!!! Live Laugh Love w/no regrets Living 2/100 Loving Sunshine Always!!!! I Love You!!!!!!! Always have always will!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs "D" Butterfly Kisses
Visit "D" @
Copyright 1/3/13 Donna L. Maholage

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

It's "D" New Year New Beginnings.......2013

Happy New Year to all my family and friends!!!!! We did it.....We survived another year!!!!! As we say good bye to 2012 and welcome in 2013, we can look ahead towards new and wonderful things!!!! Some of us have suffered terrible losses...this past year. With the falling economy some of us have lost jobs, homes, cars, finances, all replaceable, but, some of us have lost loved ones, including myself. Death is never easy and the loss of a loved one is irreplaceable, the pain is unbearable for some, and unless you have gone through it, you just cannot understand!!! My heart goes out to you....and all I can say is this, that in time it gets a little easier, but it never really goes away!!!! And some days are harder than others, and then there are days its feels like it was yesterday!!! But we survive because we must, because we have to, then it's gets better....the days get a little easier bearable, and you start to believe you can and will survive for you as much as them....and for the ones that are left behind, you press on and you live the life, they would have wanted you too.....

So now I think....oh yes thinking again, is there any rhyme or reason to life in general or why things really happen the way they do, or to the people that don't deserve it? No, there isn't, it's just LIFE and Crap just have to remember, we live in the world, not of the world, and when we choose to allow ourselves to become desensitized, then we ourselves have reached a point of no's okay to feel, it's okay to cry to have feelings, I think I have learned that even in losing someone we love so dearly, we have to not lose ourselves!!!!! We can have emotions without becoming emotional, to the point where we lose control for so long where it effects our health, and we no longer want to go on!!! Because trust me, when my sister died in May, I just wanted to give up and die myself...she was my lil Jo-ann my baby sister, whom I was suppose to spend the rest of my life with...our dreams...she was suppose to share my "D" News w/me....share our Golden Years together!!!!! GONE....WIPED OUT in the blink of an eye!!! Where does one begin to find the courage to let go of yesterday, and find the strength to press on? As I write this article the tears flood my eyes....I miss her so much, but I now know I have to press on, stay my course for her as much as me!!! I am learning it's not always about having what you think will make you happy, it's about finding happiness in what you have, and what you can improve about your life!

We are always going to be "US" we are never going to be someone else. It's really about coming to terms with yourself and loving yourself for who you are. If you need to do something than do it for you, not for someone else! I have held on far too long, thinking I can't go on, unless I have certain people in my life, and trying hard to keep them in it. In the end, if you are holding on and fighting to keep them in your life, it isn't meant to be. Things that are pure and real and have meaning in your life, you don't have to battle to keep. They just fit....they work themselves all comes together in the end....So, you see, maybe we need to stop fighting ourselves and let go of the people and things that are holding us back.....

Sometimes, we put people up on a pedestal and rely too much on what they tell us, instead of trusting our own judgement. Their not our GOD....Or we are too busy trying to please everyone else and we lose ourselves in the interim. Sometimes you just have to say NO, doesn't mean you don't care...just means you need a little time for you too!!! In the end we may never find what truly makes us happy, but we must strive to find what gives US peace and calm...what I call a happy medium, then and only then, will you start to be happy, and when your happy and feel happy and live happy....the rest will take it's's like a ship lost at sea....only to find her way home.......Some journey's take longer than others....and you may encounter many storms along the way, like the brave skipper, who battled the storm, if you want to make it will find your way, this is YOUR JOURNEY TO TRAVEL.....and it's okay, some never reach their final destination till the very END, they just keep sailing on.....whatever your course may be....keep on sailing.........

 And in the end maybe....Just maybe, you'll find your HAPPY EVER AFTER!!!!! So, NEVER give up your DREAMS, YOUR DREAMS belong to YOU!!!!! Dream out LOUD and...DREAM BIG and Make this 2013 D BEST YEAR YET!!!!! Set some GOALS, start small, so you can stick w/them and watch the CHANGE you can BE in yourself...Anything is Possible when you have faith, trust God and BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I Believe Miracles Do come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hard and God can take you anywhere you want to travel!!!!! God Bless and Be a Blessing!!!! You only Get ONE LIFE!!!! So live the life you were meant to LIVE, Live Laugh Love W/no regrets...Living to 100 Loving Sunshine Always!!!!!!!! I love You!!!!!! Always have always will!!!!! Hugs "D" Butterfly kisses
Copyright 1/1/13 Donna L. Maholage

Monday, December 31, 2012

23 Things You Will Do At Least Once This Year

"D" News d news......It's about that time when we say goodbye to the end of one year, and we welcome in the beginning of a New One!!! With new resolutions new dreams and new adventures, but there are a few things like 23, you most likely will do every year regardless of what resolutions you make, and here are a few of them too boot....okay maybe you won't do w/me here....giggle know I love ya that's why I bug ya!!! Be safe and Have a Very Happy New Year!!!! Hugs "D"
Copyright 12/31/12 Donna L. Maholage

23 things you will do at least once this year

 Although years seemingly go by at blurring speed where only certain events are memorable, there are a handful of activities nearly everyone does over the course of a typical year. Here are some things that you can count on doing at least once this year.

1. Sing "Auld, Lang Syne"
2. Cheer for your favorite Super Bowl team
3. Send a Valentine
4. Drink green beer
5. File income tax paperwork
6. Celebrate a birthday
7. Get a dental cleaning
8. Get a physical
9. Swim in a pool or body of water
10. See a fireworks display
11. Attend a sporting event
12. Plant flowers
13. Mow the lawn
14. Go out for ice cream
15. Rake leaves
16. Eat turkey
17. Purchase gifts
18. Take a vacation
19. Give a car an oil change
20. Be shocked by a TV series season cliffhanger
21. Get a cold
22. Decorate the home
23. Make a resolution