Monday, November 19, 2012

Enjoy D Holidays With D Tips

"D" News from d Home front: I would like to wish everyone an Early
Happy Thanks Giving!!!!!!!!!
 Its going to be a busy week as it has been for D past few months and I want u all to know I'm thinking of you and your in my thoughts and prayers always!!! Now here's D thoughts and u thought u were getting off scot-free...sorry not 2/day ;) It's still about Living 2/100 and of course me loving you!!!!! Now just because it's Thanks Giving doesn't mean it's a license to EAT and DRINK all you want!!! Yes this time of year we all tend to do a little more of both, but just remember everything in moderation.... don't over do either one because, you will definitely pay for it the next days to keep d tips in's

1. It's Okay if eat a tad bit more it's D Holiday and there will be lots of delicious foods... just remember to eat in increments through out d'll have plenty of time during the day to nibble...socialize and gather with family and friends so eat slow and eat small can always go back for more....

2. You may have to visit more than one family and or limit and pace yourself on your food and is not only dangerous to drink and drive if you are driving but you may lose your cheerful spirit if you have too much to drink and soon become a killjoy, and no one likes that....And remember when visiting it is polite to taste the food the host or hostess has prepared so leave room or you will find yourself busting from D seams of your clothes feeling very uncomfortable another Killjoy.....

Now I'm sure I could go on and on but you get D jest of D Holiday tips...Now Have a Very Happy Thanks Giving and Remember this For Christmas and News Years also or I'll be back rambling d same ole same because I Love You!!!!! Living to 100 still d plan....Live Laugh Love Loving Sunshine Always!!!!! I Love You!!!! Always have always will!!!! Hugs "D"  visit me @  "D" News is a registered trademark You may also like to join my Living to 100 Club on facebook
Copyright 11/19/12 Donna L. Maholage
 This club is about helping others and ourselves to live longer, through food and nutrition smart eating choices, its not 
about a diet, diets don't work, they r temporary its about changing your eating habits for life!!!! Eating healthier and making smart choices and educating ourselves together...knowledge is power and power makes US SUCCEED United We Stand Divided We Fall.....Of course d exercise got to move it or we lose it and also good people in your life! That with God how can we fail ? We can't...Ttys love ya Hugs "D"
Copyright 11/19/12 Donna L. Maholage

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