Friday, February 01, 2013

"D" News: Words of wisdom ~~~ Baseball Anyone?

"D" News: Words of wisdom  ~~~ Baseball Anyone?

Please note this is only my opinion and I'm no expert and I'm not suggesting that any of my opinions will work for you, my life is a work in progress and an everyday adventure, but if we all share what we have learned along our journey then what's d harm? No one has to take advice or opinions, we all know about opinions everyone has one? So, with that said ~~~

If your having a bad day which we all have, don't think it's just you? It's not, life isn't all peaches and cream, and those that pretend theirs is, well frankly in my book, they are full of dog poo!! For a nicer terminology. ~~~

Here's "D" tip ~~~

Just take a step back, yes first order of business always is to take a step back and breathe, collect yourself and try to just clear your head, don't think, (this is a tough one for me), but necessary if you are going to progress in a forward positive motion, otherwise you are going to be stuck at home plate, or first base, never going to get your home run. And this is D goal, getting off home plate and eventually hitting a home run!!!! ~~~

So, think of your life like a baseball game, you are up to bat and your goal is to get off home plate and get around those bases and back to home? Okay, so you may hit a few foul balls, a few swing and a miss, and eventually you may strike out, :-/ so what, in D game of life we're not keeping score, so those rules don't apply anyway! Just an extra perk, so gotta love it, and remember the old adage, "if at first you don't succeed, try try again" ((((OK))))) So, let's give ourselves a break, the game ain't over yet!!!! "WINK"

So, try to remain positive, and know you can do this, you can and you will!!!!! There isn't anything we can't do if we put our minds to it. Focus and just breathe and keep breathing nothing happens over night and if you are looking for a quick fix, it's not going to happen!!!

Anything worth while takes hard work and effort, and work is the effort you make to get something done. No work nothing done. I have said that before. So, find a buddy a best friend someone you can depend on and trust. You will need to be able to talk to this person and trust them!! So, make sure you choose this person wisely and carefully, as you don't want to share personal stuff with someone you cannot trust! I'm just saying, and always pay it forward, remember quid pro quo ~~~

This person is Kind of your personal cheerleader, who couldn't use a cheerleader :) LOL, I have to say years ago I had no idea what a best friend was, and after painfully opening up and growing up I've learned what having a cheerleader is all about!!!! With out their support I would not be the person I am today!!!! So, let's get busy people!!!!! Do I hear some HOME RUNS COMING??? You know I love Ya, that's why I bug Ya!!!!! Ra Ra Ra!!!!! Love Hugs and Cuddles "D" Bubbly Girl "wink"
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13
Copyright 2/01/13 Donna L. Maholage aka/"D" Chatterbox

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said and excellent piece of writing.