Friday, August 09, 2013


"D" News from d home front....

Gearing Up......?

Hello everyone, I'm sorry I've been slacking,  I've been busy these days!! Finished up w/Continuing Education Units) aka/CEU, among other things, plus it doesn't help that I waited till the last few months to get them done, :-/ but it's all good...

I've been recovering from a serious sprained ankle, ugh and it's taken me off d track for over a year....but in d interim I've done double duty in "d car", in d bed, just about anywhere, even in d check out lane (giggle giggle) yeppers, that's me one of the  "Walmart People"  LOL Jk

Now, back to D business of living to 100, I sure hope  you all are paying attention to what your eating? (Clearing D throat) "wink" "wink" and exercising?? (Clearing D throat again...

I know your making good healthy food choices, with occasional snacking :-) And, of course your exercising, or at least shaking your butt from time to time? Amuse me peeps, we all know you have time for exercise...."wink" (yeah right!!) :-/

My all time favorite is "D" car aerobics I do exercise in D car,  imagine that? ;)

Just ask my kids, and grandkids, car rides w/Nana are a trip,  between d exercise and d singing, and all of us talking!!!  I have (NO CLUE) where they could've picked that up from :-/ lol....

Oh, and did I mention d pit stops at "Starbucks" that's right.....can't forget that Happy time!! :-)

Now, on a more serious note....

Exercise has been around for centuries,
and my idea isn't rocket science, it is a widely known business by fitness professionals, recommend by doctors and practiced by health enthusiast like myself world wide!! ❤

If you want to be healthy you have to live heathy, and this includes not only the food you eat, but the lifestyle you live, a sedentary lifestyle will do you no good, but harm!


So, with that being said, always practice safety first, and check with your doctor, or healthcare provider, before starting any new exercise routine...

These simple techniques can be done anywhere, anytime...I've been doing them for decades....we all know d doesn't care what others think :-/

So, whether in d car or on d track or in d living room....

I've incorporated "D"s own version of D fitness "wink" It works for "D" and  if you want it to, it'll work for you! ❤

Any-who, one version of "D"s Fitness is D "Power Jams" ....(for d tummy) Whether sitting or standing you can always find time to Power Jam :-)

Just suck it in, remember the old saying "tuck it in the bucket," well same thing....just suck in your tummy, and hold!!! Hold it there for as long as you can to start, every second counts 1,  2, 3, 4, let it out and got this, then repeat, d rest will follow.....

See....that was EASY!!!

It's not like you need to run a marathon or workout 5 days a week, if you can that's great!! But you gotta move people, you can't be sedentary!!!!

Here's a easy one....

Start by adding a daily walking routine to your schedule, or the next time your shopping, walk that shopping cart back to its drop off spot at the grocery store!

And STOP circling around the parking lot, praying for a front row space to open up, hmmm sound familiar?

Just park in the back so you have to WALK, now theres a novel idea :) All those little steps throughout D day add up!!

And don't forget "D" car aerobics, that's (my) favorite!!!  (Power jam in d car) Some of us spend a lot of time commuting back and forth in our cars, whether to work or just chauffeuring your kids around, or running daily errands! Whatever d case, car aerobics can be just the trip for "YOU" to tone up and shed some unwanted lbs...

So, gear up and put your favorite music on and power drive, I do it all d time!!! (thank d lord for tinted windows) well, my daughter says, "they're not that tinted MOTHER!!!!!" LMBO Like I really care...giggle giggle....

Okay....Safety first....Never put yourself or others in danger....

"You can do them at stop lights and stop signs"

Any-who,  I suck that tummy in while I'm driving and I hold it in, for as long as I can, and I repeat, repeat, repeat along with my crazy banter and singing...."wink"

It's sure to give you an awesome "WORKOUT"

You get d point, you know I love ya that's why I bug ya!

Now lets get D bones in (gear) lol no pun intended (D car exercise) get it? giggle giggle, ok I tried....

Live Laugh Love, Living 2/100 100 I Always Say!! ❤

Hugs "D" Butterfly Kisses ❤ ❤

"D" Fitness ™

© 2/28/12
Revised © 8/09/13
Donna L. Maholage aka/"D"/Chatterbox

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