Wednesday, August 07, 2013

"D" NEWS: "HOUSE OF HORROR SENT TO HELL" Ariel Castro"s house demolished



Ariel Castro's house of horrors in Cleveland being demolished

Demolition Day....

"D" Speaks Out..... 

As I Watched the video of The Cleveland House of horror getting torn down, I felt a sense of relief for those girls...

One can only imagine the HORROR they endured those HORRIFIC 10 years they were held prisoners in that HELL!!

All that they had missed, while captive in a cold dark prison, tortured, and not sure when their life would end...while life passed them by...

That "HOUSE OF HORROR" stole 10 precious years of their lives! Its gone, gone from existence,  gone from this WORLD!!!! Like the nightmare he made them live!!!

Now they have sent that HOUSE back to HELL where it belongs!!!! And the Monster is in prison, captive where he belongs....? 

"Or maybe, he should have been in that house and gone straight to HELL WITH IT!!!!??" 

Now these girls can finally  awake from their nightmare, and truly begin to put this horror behind them....

The DEMOLITION of this house is one GIANT STEP in their continued recovery, as they will have to fight hard to put the pieces back together, one day one step at a time... 

And with the continued support of family, friends and community, they will be able to do just that....

We should be so proud of these girls, and their undying courage to survive such an ordeal. 

Not only did they survive, but they came forth to speak out and tell their story. They ARE, true survivors!! ❤

God Bless these three beautiful girls. ❤ ❤ ❤

© 8/7/13 Donna L. Maholage aka/"D" Chatterbox 

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